It was born with the vocation of being the journal of the Faculty of Education and the degrees it hosts (Degrees in Primary and Early Childhood Education, Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and the Masters in the field of Education), open to all its teachers and researchers, active or retired. To communicate what we do, research, think, defend and what defines and identifies us within a Pontifical University, in open collaboration and contrast with everyone and everything, faithful to that tradition that is so much our own and has been a daily reality for so many years (practised more than preached) of tolerance, dialogue and understanding. ISSN: 2695-5644

The full text of previous issues of the magazine can be found in the following link enlace.

No. 28 (2024): Núm. 28 (2024) Papeles Salmantinos de educación

Published: 2024-09-20


Papeles salmantinos de educación


The power of movement for the development of the expressive capacity: a pedagogical proposal based on cooperative learning

Raquel González Marín, Sara Suárez Manzano, Alba Rusillo Magdaleno, Raquel M. Guevara Ingelmo


And Milani break schoo

José Manuel Andueza Soteras



Ana María Carrizo Gutiérrez, Jaime Caiceo Escudero



Papeles salmantinos de educación



Papeles salmantinos de educación
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