Hadrian's rescript to minucius mundanus and christianity

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Narciso Santos Yanguas
Hadrian, anti-Christian persecution, Eusebius of Caesarea, Tertullian, Justin, isolated accusations, extended application., Hadrian, Anti-Chrisitian persecution, Eusebius of Cesarea, Tertullian, Justin, Isolated accusations, Extended application

This document completed the measures taken by Trajan, which
in no case pursued a clear political goal: the aim was in fact to clarify the accusations against members of Christian communities
which had cropped up in the most important urban centers of the
The said rescript, as well as the references of ulterior authors
(Tertullianus, Justin, Eusebius of Caesarea and Irenaeus), allows us
to trace the existence of a number of martyrs on concrete locations
even if the chronology is uncertain at times: Ignatius of Antioch,
Simeon, Telesphorus, Symphorosa and her seven children…
The legal base that allowed for such behavior dated back to the
year 123, which means that Hadrian’s edict to Minucius Fundanus
is linked to the one sent by Trajan to Pliny the younger a decade
earlier. Both texts are to be taken, therefore, as legal regulations put
into practice not only throughout the 2nd century but also in times
of the Severus´dinasty.

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How to Cite
Santos Yanguas, N. (2022). Hadrian’s rescript to minucius mundanus and christianity . Helmantica, 72(206), 35–74. https://doi.org/10.36576/summa.146002

