Eusebio de Cesarea y los mártires cristianos en las ciudades galas de Lyon y Vienne

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Narciso Santos Yanguas
Anti-Christian persecution, Eusebius of Cesarea, Marcus Aurelius, year 177, Popular tumult, Fronto, Gallic cities of Lugdunum and Vienna

The Christianity in the urban centre of Lugdunum and Vienna seems to be consolidated in a short period of time before the
persecution against the faithful, in times of the Emperor Marcus
Aurelius (year 177). Eusebio of Cesarea relates these incidents, that
they couldn’t be more than the result of a popular tumult, although
we do not know the real motive of them. Through these documents
(and other ones from other antique authors) we know the characteristics of the process of martyrdom suffered for the Christian communities of these Gallic cities. The Emperor Comodo’s association
to the imperial power and the senator Fronton´s opinion increased
the civic discontent against the followers of the Christian religion.

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How to Cite
Santos Yanguas, N. (2022). Eusebio de Cesarea y los mártires cristianos en las ciudades galas de Lyon y Vienne. Helmantica, 70(203), 9–35.


Santos Yanguas, N. . (2019). Eusebio de Cesarea y los mártires cristianos en las ciudades galas de Lyon y Vienne. Helmantica, 70(203), 9–35.