Eine Konjektur zu Lucr. 4,791
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An emendation is offered on Lucr. 4,791. Since the paradosis (oculis) neither fits semantically nor syntactically into the context, the following note proposes the emendation motum ac to add an important element of dancing to both gestum and (the ablative of) pes conueniens in the same verse. The corruption can be explained by the assumption that a scribe in copying the text lost ac and then (a corrector?) noted the missing word down above motum. When reintegrating the word in the text the next scribe positioned it not after but before motum, creating the syntactically impossible ac (m)otum, that could first be read as oculum and then could be ‚emended‘ (in fact further corrupted) into the dative oculis (with respect to conuenienti).
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For more information see the following links:
Bockemüller, F. (1874): T. Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libri sex, Stade.
Butterfield, D. (2008): «Seven Lucretian Emendations», Eos 95, pp.97-108.
Creech, T. (1695): Titi Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libir sex quibus interpretationem et notas addidit T.C., Oxford.
Deufert, M. (2018): Kritischer Kommentar zu Lukrezens ‚De rerum natura’, Berlin-Boston.
Ernout, A. (²1964): Lucrèce, ‚De la nature‘. Texte établi et traduit, Paris.
Lachmann, K. (1850): In T. Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libros Commentarius, Berlin.
Lambinus, D. (1563): Titi Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libir sex, Paris.
Olszaniec, W. (2012): «Lucretius 4.791», Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52, pp. 135-136.
Richter, W. (1974): Textstudien zu Lukrez, München.
Salemme, C. (2021): Lucrezio e il problema della conosczena. ‚De rerum natura‘ 4,54-822, Bari.
Smith, M.F. & Rouse, W.H.D. (1992): Lucretius, ‚De rerum natura‘. With an English Translation: Revised with New Text, Introduction, Notes, and Index, Cambridge (Mass.)-London.
Watt, W.S. (1990): «Lucretiana», Museum Helveticum 47, p. 121-127.