Immaculist tours de force of Lambert Pevée, O.F.M. (1662)
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This paper offers the first critical edition of three works by Lambert Pevée, O.F.M., along with notes and a Spanish translation. The author, largely unknown, has come down in history thanks to the account of him given by Alba y Astorga in his Militia contra malitiam (Louvain : Typogr. Immaculatae Conceptionis, 1663), col. 899-905. This account has been echoed in Ippolito Marracci's Polyanthea Mariana (Cologne : Peter Ketteler, 1683), append. p. 74b, ‘opus ... lectu omnino dignissimum’; and Juan de San Antonio's Bibliotheca universa franciscana (Madrid : Typogr. Causae V. Matris de Agreda, 1732), vol. 2, p. 269. Juan de San Antonio acknowledges being unaware of any edition other than that in the Militia contra malitiam (‘inter alia quae ad manus meas non devenere’ ... ‘excudit noster Alva’). James Hilton, in the second volume of his chronogrammatic anthology, draws attention to the closing note of Alba y Astorga's epigraph dedicated to Pevée: ‘habemus manuscripta apus nos, in 4º,’ and reasonably infers that the editor may have been the first to put them into print (Hilton 1885 : 497).
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