The Life of John the Almsgiver in the Work of Juan Gil de Zamora (O.F.M.) Editio Princeps and Translation

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Olga Soledad Bohdziewicz

In this article we present the first edition of the life of John the Almsgiver compiled by the franciscan friar Juan Gil of Zamora in his work titled Historia canonica ac civilis, also known as Liber illustrium personarum. The Latin text is preceded by a short introduction where the itinerary of the Chripriot saint’s life in the latin world and in the Hispano-Latin compilations is given in order to set the context for the text source employed by Juan Gil. Following the Latin text, a Spanish translation is presented.

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How to Cite
Bohdziewicz, O. S. . (2024). The Life of John the Almsgiver in the Work of Juan Gil de Zamora (O.F.M.): Editio Princeps and Translation. Helmantica, 75(209), 113–142.

