Directrices autores
- Articles will be uploaded to the OJS platform or alternatively can be sent in Word format to the following email address:<
The deadline for receipt of articles for one year is 1 March.
- Three files must be submitted:
2.1. One file including: - On the first page: title and English translation, author's name and surname, academic degree, current position, institution to which he/she belongs, e-mail and postal address. - On the second page: 1. Abstract and Keywords. 2. English translation (Abstract and Keywords). - Third page: body of the paper.
2.2. Another file will only contain the title, abstracts and keywords in the original language and in English, and the body of the paper. Any hint that in any way reveals the authorship of the manuscript to the reviewers should be avoided. Citations referring to the author should be anonymised, as follows: AUTHOR and year of publication of the work.
2.3. In addition, a scanned cover letter should be attached, requesting that the manuscript be considered, and taking responsibility for its authorship. The intellectual contribution of the submitted work should be briefly stated and the simultaneous submission of the manuscript to another journal should be declared. Signed, place and date. Submission of manuscripts
Language: Familia. Revista de Ciencias y Orientación Familiar publishes mainly in Spanish, but accepts papers in English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese. Length: Articles should not exceed 5,000 words (not including abstract, notes and list of bibliographical references), 2 tables and 1 figure maximum.
- Structure:
3.1. The first page must contain, in this order and according to the spelling indicated:
- TITLE: (centred, capitalised and bold). Separate title and subtitle with a colon.
- TITLE in English: centred, capitalised and bold.
- Name(s) and surname(s) of author(s): (centred and in lower case). If there are several authors, indicate the one responsible for the correspondence. The editor will respect the pen name chosen by the author, in order to avoid retrieval problems in English language databases.
- Academic degree: (Written in full and in lower case, e.g.: Doctor in, Graduate in...).
- Current position or position of responsibility held: (Written in full and in small letters. E.g.: Professor, Associate Professor, Director...).
- Institution to which you belong and place of work: (Name of the Centre, Department, Institution, City and Country).
- E-mail address. - Postal address.
3.2. Second page:
- Abstract: 250 words in the original language and in English (Abstract).
- Keywords: between 4 and 8 (in alphabetical order), in the original language of the article and in English (Keywords). Use, preferably, of a thesaurus or list of subject headings widely known and used in the speciality, for example, the Unesco Thesaurus...
3.3. Third page:
- Body of the work: text.
- List of bibliographical references. - If acknowledgements and/or acknowledgements of financial and material support are included (specify their nature), an asterisk should be added at the end of the text, and these data should be mentioned in a footnote.
4 The originals must be presented with 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman 12 font in the body of the text and 10 in the footnotes. - Footnotes should be numbered continuously, in correspondence with the footnotes in the text. - Paragraphs are numbered 1., 2., 3., ..., and subsections: 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., ... , 1.1.1., 1.1.2., ... and so on. Text in bold capital letters.
- Bibliographical references. 1. Before submitting papers, authors must prepare them in accordance with the following rules: 2. The citation style of the journal is that established by the American Psychological Association (APA).
- Some abbreviations: Chapter(s): cap. (chaps.) / Confróntese: cf. / Collaborators: Cols. / Compiler(s): Comp. (Comps.) / Coordinator(s): Coord. (Coords.) / Editor(s): Ed. (Eds.) / Second edition: 2nd ed. / Revised edition: Rev. ed. / In the same place: ibid. / et altera: et al. / Introduction: Intr. / Work cited: op. cit. / Page(s): p. (pp.) / Paragraph: § / Part: Pt. / Foreword: Pról. / Technical report: Rep. Téc. / No date: n.d. / Supplement: Suppl: Trad. / See: v. / Volume(s): Vol. (Vols.).
- Peer review and publication process:
– The editor will make an initial assessment of the manuscript, evaluating its relevance, quality and suitability to the editorial line of the journal. It will be verified that it complies with the rules for the submission of originals that appear in the instructions to authors, and the required documentation will be checked. Once this has been done, the editorial board will decide, within a week of receiving the article, whether to accept it and send it to the reviewers or to reject it. Double-blind peer review. Manuscripts will be submitted to an external, anonymous, double-blind review by two experts in the field. The reviewers have three weeks from the time they receive the article from the editorial board to prepare their report.
The guidelines and instructions sent to the reviewers appear on the journal's website.
Articles expressly requested by the Editorial Board, and papers submitted in the "reviews" section, will not be subject to review. Content, methodological quality and style will be evaluated. Topics should be strictly related to family sciences.
The author will be informed of the results of the peer review within 45 working days from the closing date of the journal issue. In total 26 weeks will elapse from the date of receipt by March until publication.
On the basis of the reports received, the Editorial Board will determine whether final acceptance is appropriate. Positive peer review does not commit the journal to publishing the text. It will also decide whether they are selected for publication in the current year's volume or in a subsequent one. The latter will depend on the date of receipt of the original, the volume of papers received, and reasons such as the publication of monographic editions, tribute volumes, etc. The decision of the Editorial Board is final. - The journal retains all copyright to published works and encourages and permits the reuse of published works under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.
The author will receive the galley proofs of the article in order to correct typographical and minor errors. No substantial changes may be made to the text. Modifications will be indicated visibly in the pdf or document sent. The revised text must be returned within seven working days of receipt.
The volume is published in September or October.
- Critical notes
- Heading. Title and English translation. Abstract (consisting of the bibliographical reference of the book under study) and Key Words (no more than five). - They should be sent in Word format to the following e-mail address: - Deadline for receipt: 1 March.
- Language: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
- Length: Critical notes should be between a minimum of 1,500 and a maximum of 2,000 words. - Critical notes on books older than four years will not be accepted.
- Footnotes are accepted. Follow the formal indications in the section "Bibliographical references - 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman font, 12 in the body of the paper, and 10 in the footnotes. The notes should be numbered continuously, in correspondence with the footnotes in the text.
- Description of the work to be reviewed: SURNAME(S), First name(s), Title of the book (secondary responsibility). Place of publication: Publisher, year, number of pages. E.g.: Garrido Gil, Pablo, Hijos autónomos. Madrid: Palabra, 2016, 25 pp.
- At the end of the manuscript indicate the author's name and surname, academic degree, current position, institution to which he/she belongs, e-mail and postal address.
- The volume will be published in September or October.
- Reviews
- They should be sent in Word format to the following e-mail address: - Deadline for receipt: 1 March. - Language: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. - Maximum length: 1,000 words.
- Reviews of books more than four years old will not be accepted. - Footnotes are accepted. Follow the formal indications in the "Bibliographical references" section. - Spacing 1.5, Times New Roman font, 12 in the body of the paper, and 10 in the footnotes. The notes are numbered continuously, in correspondence with the references in the text. The description of the work reviewed should follow the same model as that indicated in the previous section on Critical Notes.
- At the end of the manuscript indicate the author's name and surname, academic degree, current position, institution to which he/she belongs, e-mail and postal address