Franklean unconditional faith and Unamunian doubting faith two approaches to hope (and to the meaning of the suffering of the victims of the Shoah)

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Antonia Tejeda Barros
Doubting faith, eschatology, Holocaust, hope, immortality, Shoah, suprahuman dimension, Unamuno, unconditional faith, victims' suffering, Viktor Frankl

Frankl opens a door to hope with the suprahuman dimension, defines religion as the search for an ultimate meaning and has an uncoditional faith that gives meaning to the victims' suffering. Unamuno, anguished and suffering, struggles with his faith (a faith which is a doubting faith –doubt, even if it turns into agony, is crucial for Unamuno). Unamuno believes because he longs to believe (out of necessity); Frankl believes existentially (out of decision). In this paper, I discuss Frankl's and Unamuno's different approaches to faith (presenting theses of other philosophers, theologians and Shoah survivors
as well), showing how these approaches open a door to hope (and to the meaning of the suffering of the victims of the Shoah).

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Tejeda Barros, A. (2024). Franklean unconditional faith and Unamunian doubting faith: two approaches to hope (and to the meaning of the suffering of the victims of the Shoah) . Salmanticensis, 71(2), 279–310.


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