The best of all possible worlds

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Jesús Padilla Gálvez
Monographic Section
Possible world, Functional calculus, Rubio, Leibniz, Modality

The concept of a possible world is used to express modal arguments. In his article we trace back the tentative beginnings of the idea of possible worlds in the works of Antonio Rubio that had a great influence in the later discussions. First we reconstruct Suárez’ criticism against Aristotle’s claim that there existed only one world. Next, we examine the proposal developed by Gottfried Leibniz who assumed that there are more possible worlds. In this context the argument of the Theodicy is presented that regarded possible worlds as procedures of God’s mind and used the notion to argue that our created world is supposed to be “the best of all possible worlds”. This argument is based both on the field of modal logic and on the procedures of functional calculus.

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How to Cite
Padilla Gálvez, J. (2024). The best of all possible worlds. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 45, 231–259.


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