Against the Games and Theatres» of St. John Chrysostom (PG 56, 263-270) Bilingual text. Study, edition, translation and notes

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Inmaculada Delgado Jara
Fernando Luque Herrera
St. John Chrysostom, Heathen Spectacles, Preaching, Constantinople

The article includes a study of the homily of Saint John Chrysostom «Against circus games and theatre» from the text of the Patrologia Graeca 56, 263-270. First, we settle the context of the homily (Constantinople, 399) and the main theme that predominates in it: the corruption that comes with attending pagan shows and, even worse, if Christian assembly and worship are abandoned because of them. Then, we analyse rhetorically the structure of the homily and we unravel all the arguments that are dealt with in the course of his sermon. Following, we offer the Greek text of the homily with a parallel Spanish translation. Next, a simple reading guide comes along. Finally, we attempt some reflection as means of updating.

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How to Cite
Delgado Jara, I., & Luque Herrera, F. (2023). Against the Games and Theatres» of St. John Chrysostom (PG 56, 263-270) : Bilingual text. Study, edition, translation and notes. Salmanticensis, 70(1), 39–68.