In mysterious and ineluctable evil, a spiritulity of pain Thought and testimony of Emmanuel Mounier
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It is addressed, regarding evil, considered irreducible to any attempt at explanation, the thought of Emmanuel Mounier (1905-1950), initiator of community Personalism and fundamental figure of Catholic thought of the first half of the 20th century. In this way, in the thought and existential experience of the author, deeply marked by misfortune, a spirituality of suffering emerges with great coherence that becomes provocative due to its Christian radicality in the affirmation of its fruitfulness, its hopeful pathos, solidarity with the suffering, the process of Christian transfiguration that has its climax in the Christification of pain, lived in intimate union with the suffering Christ. As a culmination, the author's proposal of a “tragic optimism” as a fundamental position of Christianity in the face of inexorable pain, but deeply permeated by hope because evil has been radically defeated.
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