The meaning of Jesus' death in the narrator's notes of the Fourth Gospel

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José Manuel Hernández Carracedo
Notes of the narrator, Gospel of John, Ancient life, Interpretation of the Death of Jesus, Glorification, Son of God, New Temple, Sacrifice

The thesis of this paper is that the narrator’s notes reveal the importance and centrality of the death of Jesus in the Gospel of John. These notes guide the reader to discover its meaning and consequences. First, we will define the narrator’s note concept. Then, we will describe those notes that refer to the death  if Jesus in the narrative. Next, we will analyze the place they occupy in the plot of the gospel and the role they play in it. Finally, we will explain how the narrator interprets in these notes the death of Jesus and rereads traditional views in a new and creative manner, thus showing a specific vision of it in the Johannine gospel.

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How to Cite
Hernández Carracedo, J. M. (2024). The meaning of Jesus’ death in the narrator’s notes of the Fourth Gospel. Salmanticensis, 65(1), 47–79.

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