The reviewer will review the manuscript critically, honestly and constructively in compliance with the following rules:

  • Reviewers will complete their reports within a maximum of one month using the review form that follows this page. They will send a signed copy of this ‘Reviewer Obligations’ document with their review form.
  • The editor must immediately be informed of any circumstances preventing the reviewer from meeting the stipulated deadline.
  • Reviewers undertake to ensure the confidentiality of all information relating to the manuscript under review and may not divulge any such information during or after the review process.
  • In the event of any perceived conflict of interest deriving from excessive academic or personal proximity to the author of the manuscript, reviewers must immediately inform the editor.
  • If reviewers suspect that the article contains plagiarism, they must inform the editor so that this can be checked using the technical resources available to the journal.

The reviewer must download and send the "Guide for reviewers" and the  "Reviewer obligations document"