Thinking (not only) the humanities
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The paper defends that the situation of precariousness in which the humanistic disciplines live denotes, not a disciplinary problem, but a whole framework in which it is understood that the reasons for such a situation are given. The main aim of this paper is a call for the collaboration of interdisciplinary knowledge to transcend a coarse and fragmented vision of knowledge. A vision that is at the base of the argument of the uselessness of the humanities. On the contrary, in this paper, I propose that the humanities constitute a very useful type of knowledge. To understand it, apply it and enrich ourselves with it, we have to change the current framework of the knowledge system that is impoverishing the possibilities of knowing and transforming the world. This will lead us to the need to think about knowledge (as a whole, scientific and humanistic), education and democracy in the context of today’s global society.
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