The humanities in J. A. Comenio and E. Cassirer Imagen and symbol of the unity the grounds and the formative process of human being

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Gustavo Esparza
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Cassirer, Comenius, Philosophy, Image, Pedagogy, Symbol, Singular

In this paper it is set that the aim of Humanities is the universal formation of human being according to his own singularity. Nevertheless, the stress between the objective (universal) and the reality (singular) arise the question of how is possible to achieve the general goals. Base on the concept of “image” and “symbol” in Comenius’ pedagogy and Cassirer´s philosophy, I will argue –following the pedagogue– that the relation between singular and universal is possible through a didactical methodology, which assumes the «image» as a «symbol» to promote all the universal principles in everyone. Since the neokantian, I will set that the concept of «image» is the way to coordinate the subject conception with the universal principles, through specific «symbolic forms». Along the exposition, I notice that with both theories is possible to rethink the general function of humanities.

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Esparza, G. (2024). The humanities in J. A. Comenio and E. Cassirer: Imagen and symbol of the unity the grounds and the formative process of human being. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 45, 59–83.


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