Clemente Sociocultural background of 1 Clement

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José Antonio Bande García
1 Clement, Honor, Leadership, Patronage, Social prestige, Shame

In the present article we address the socio-historical situation underlying 1 Clement and based on the sociological studies on 1 Cor, in particular those of G. Theissen, we demonstrate how 1 Clem. 3, 3 describes the conflict of Corinth in essentially socio-economic categories, considering that the motive that led to the revolt basically follows the confrontation between groups of different status to achieve leadership and avoid shame. This indicates that Clement presents the conflict as a power struggle to achieve social prestige, in a world closely marked by the culture of honor and the institution of patronage.

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How to Cite
Bande García , J. A. . (2024). Clemente Sociocultural background of 1 Clement. Salmanticensis, 65(1), 109–137.