The binitarian worship in Revelation 4-5

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Valens Agino
Christian monotheism, Vision, Heavenly worship

The narrative of the visionary experience of the celestial worship in Rev 4-5 dramatically reveals the worship in heaven. The heavenly beings worship the one seated on the throne and the Lamb. Indeed, the one seated on the throne and the Lamb are the only worthy receivers of it. However, all the creatures recognizes them as divine beings. Worshiping both divine beings implies an innovative modification of the monotheistic faith of the Judaism of the second temple. In his vision, John participated in the celestial worship recognizing the divinity of the Lamb who shared the same honors with the Creator of the universe.

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How to Cite
Agino, V. . (2024). The binitarian worship in Revelation 4-5. Salmanticensis, 65(1), 81–108.