Community conflicts and ecclesial communion in Corinth

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Jacinto Núñez Regodón
Community conflicts, Ecclesial body and Eucharistic body, Rich and poor, Social heterogeneity, Strong and weak, Wise and foolish

The present work starts from the text of 1Cor 1:26-31, where the apostle Paul says: "there are not many wise men among you, not many nobles, not many rich". It is with them that Paul is in conflict. We wonder whether we are dealing with three groups or, perhaps better, with a single group acting in three aspects, which we could define in today's lan-guage as cultural, social and economic. Paul had to deal with this high-ranking social group who probably related to the community and to Paul according to the conventional rules of patronage. In the face of conflicts and in order to overcome them, the apostle appeals to the communion within the community, using the image of the "body", which is a polysemous category: anthropological, ecclesial, eucharistic and eschatological body.

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Núñez Regodón, J. (2024). Community conflicts and ecclesial communion in Corinth. Salmanticensis, 71(1), 21–43.


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