Gabriela Mistral, exemplary educator

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Estela Francisca Socías Muñoz
History of Education, School, Rurality, Vocation

The following article summarizes the activity of the poet Gabriela Mistral as an educator, based on a chronology of her experience as a self-taught teacher, highlighting from her early years, practically at the beginning of adolescence, her struggle to exercise an imminent vocation as an educator. His educational activity in Chile and his time in Mexico will be analyzed. I feel the objective of this study is the analysis of the biographical and formative aspects of the poet related to her role as a formative teacher. The methodology used will be historical and qualitative: and existing bibliography on the subject under study will be reviewed, resorting to primary sources as documents that support the topics in question with which a relevant conclusion will be reached on the importance of vocation in education in rural areas and in the commitment to elevate it to an education valued and recognized in the world and in the country of origin.

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How to Cite
Socías Muñoz, E. F. (2024). Gabriela Mistral, exemplary educator. Papeles Salmantinos De educación, (28), 73–92.


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