Theory and practice of barbiana’s school: Milani’s contribution to the current school

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Xavier Besalú Costa
To suspend, Full time, Purpose, Language, Current importance, Spirituality

The article has proposed to translate and to move to the Spanish school of today the principal contributions of Don Milani and of Barbiana’s school (Italy), which it managed between 1954 and 1967. First there are mentioned three big reforms that defend themselves in the Letter to a teacher –not to suspend, school in time plenary session and a purpose– and his force is argued and as implementing them today. Later other three cardinal contributions are mentioned: the primacy of the language, the current importance like base of the curriculum and the place of the spirituality, emphasizing that the three should be considered to be authentic priorities of the educational Spanish system.

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Besalú Costa, X. (2024). Theory and practice of barbiana’s school: Milani’s contribution to the current school. Papeles Salmantinos De educación, (22), 147–170.


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