La discusión sobre un "nuevo Instituto" de votos simples. Alegato del Doctor Mora en la causa Concepción Calderón, religiosa guadalupana, Zamora (México), 1882

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Eutimio Sastre Santos
Religious Vows-Simple, Solemn, New Institutes of Simple Vows-History of Religious Life, Code of 1917-De religiosis, Mexico-New Institutes of Simple Vows, Daughters of Mary Immaculate of Guadalupe-Concepción Calderón, José de Mora y del Río (1860-1929), José de Mora y del Río (1860-1929), archbishop of Mexico, José Antonio Plancarte y Labastida (1840-1898), founder of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate of Guadalupe, José María Cázares y Martínez (1832-1909), Bishop of Zamora (Michoacán)

The Code of 1917 cut short the development of the «New Institutes» of Simple Vows with General Superior. The Methodus of 1854 had legalized this «new form» of female religious life, originating from the «Old Institutes» of Simple Vows, the beaterios, which were then only tolerated. Between 1854 and 1900, the «New Institutes» of female religious defined their identity and in contrast juridically with some diocesan institutes, jealous of their own authority. The article proposes the plea of Dr. Mora, future archbishop of México (1908-1928), in the Concepción Calderón case, a religious from Guadalupe, condemned by the ordinary of Zamora, Mons. Cázares, in the year 1882. The local Mexican plot thickens the general history of the «New Institutes» of simple vows. The topics debated would also be discussed during the Reform of the Norms of the «New Institutes» (1912-1917) and the Codification of the Code of 1917. Dr. Mora’s defense statement expresses the quality of the formation received by Mexican seminarians in Rome.

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How to Cite
Sastre Santos, E. (2024). La discusión sobre un "nuevo Instituto" de votos simples.: Alegato del Doctor Mora en la causa Concepción Calderón, religiosa guadalupana, Zamora (México), 1882. Revista Española De Derecho Canónico, 75(185), 555–631.

