The intelligence of faith in Paul Ricoeur a proposal for relationship between faith and philosophy

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Angel Peris Suay
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This article focuses on the relationship between faith and philosophy in Paul Ricoeur. It analyzes the possibility of a dialogue based on the fact that both seek an interpretation of ourselves and of our relationship with the world. It begins by positing a common element in
the hermeneutic method, taking faith as a language with a poetic function. The article justifies that, nevertheless, poetic language has a claim to truth, but in a different way: truth as manifestation. It then proposes the demythologization of religion while proposing a new critical encounter with the sacred. This hermeneutic conception of faith allows a change in the idea of selfknowledge and moral autonomy through the appropriation of oneself as an awareness of the testimonies that constitute us. It concludes by relating this conception of faith to the ethics of solicitude and the economy of gift.

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How to Cite
Peris Suay, Ángel. (2023). The intelligence of faith in Paul Ricoeur: a proposal for relationship between faith and philosophy. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 50, 215–246. Retrieved from


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