Kant and the order of de World
Main Article Content
is paper analyzes Kant's understanding of the world as an assumption inherent to his entire philosophy which, in this sense, is truly a “wisdom of the world” (Weltweisheit). Starting from the traditional vision of the pre-critical period (General History of Nature), the rethinking of the theme in the first two critiques is studied, and it concludes with the contribu-tion of the third as a “transit” between the sensible and intelligible-moral world and thus as a unifying perspective of the real as “cosmos.” These analyzes reveal the permanence of fun-damental elements of the “Timeic” model of the world in Kantian thought, as well as its final reworking in the form of subjective wisdom with a moral basis (Doctrine of Wisdom of 1791). All this allows us to finally introduce the historiographical meaning of a “philosophical cos-metics” in general.
Article Details
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