Kant and the order of de World

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Salvi Turró
Monographic section I: Kant, Third Centenary

is paper analyzes Kant's understanding of the world as an assumption inherent to his entire philosophy which, in this sense, is truly a “wisdom of the world” (Weltweisheit). Starting from the traditional vision of the pre-critical period (General History of Nature), the rethinking of the theme in the first two critiques is studied, and it concludes with the contribu-tion of the third as a “transit” between the sensible and intelligible-moral world and thus as a unifying perspective of the real as “cosmos.” These analyzes reveal the permanence of fun-damental elements of the “Timeic” model of the world in Kantian thought, as well as its final reworking in the form of subjective wisdom with a moral basis (Doctrine of Wisdom of 1791). All this allows us to finally introduce the historiographical meaning of a “philosophical cos-metics” in general.

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How to Cite
Turró, S. (2024). Kant and the order of de World. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 51, 169–196. https://doi.org/10.36576/2660-955X.51.169


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