Hölderlin: Wounded Nature and Aesthetic Sacredness of νοούμενoν
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Aesthetic intuition is the access solution to the noumenon that Hölderlin advocates to alleviate the genetic defect of intellectual intuition that made it perceptible regardless of categories (knowable), pure forms of intelligibility strictly operative on sensitive data (Kant). Aesthetic experience is also a motion to overcome the hiatus opened by reason, path to reconcile with wounded nature. The transposition of the Platonic noeton, epistemological archetype, to the practical reason sphere (ethical paradigm ante sensibilitatem) in its noumenical distortion would culminate in the contemporary sinking into irrationality, absorbed by the blind eagerness of a will conceived as conscious desire in metaphysical form, devoid of foundation in itself, whose sensible correlate is the phenomenal world: objectified will as representation (Vorstellung). The transfiguration sequent passes through das Heilige, Holderlian sacred inception of noumenon, poetic object immanent in nature, basis thesis of the essay.
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