Tolerance and plurality: the dialogue between Ratzinger and Habermas on the relationship between reason and faith El diálogo entre Ratzinger y Habermas sobre las relaciones entre razón y fe

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Dulce María Granja Castro de Probert
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To deal with the question of the prepolitical foundations of the democratic constitutional state, Habermas and Ratzinger agree on the point of departure: to approach it by analyzing the relationships between reason and faith, analysis in which both recognize their necessary correlation. In addition to this important point of agreement, the two thinkers, who come from very different intellectual traditions, subscribe to the same point of
arrival: the conclusion that public dialogue, tolerant and plural, is the alternative to the radical and exclusionary positions that suffer the current societies.

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Granja Castro de Probert, D. M. . (2019). Tolerance and plurality: the dialogue between Ratzinger and Habermas on the relationship between reason and faith: El diálogo entre Ratzinger y Habermas sobre las relaciones entre razón y fe. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 46, 99–112.