The The sense of identity between truth and intelligence in man the harmony between finiteness and human rootedness in the absolute
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The break with metaphysics of a not inconsiderable part of modernity has pro-voked the crisis of the categories of universality, truth and absolute. This essay tries to show that the three categories mentioned are compatible in human reality, which, due to its spiritual dimension, can combine its finite condition with an absolute access to truth. The analysis of the question is carried out by showing that human sentient intelligence is capable of im-mediately accessing reality, so that the interpretative constructions of intelligence (hermeneu-tic philosophies) are always ulterior. The proposal is that in Zubirian terms between the pri-mordial apprehension of reality and the logos there is an intermediate dynamism, which is what illuminates the things sentiently apprehended, giving rise to the logos. This also allows the foundation of a phenomenological realism
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