The current rehabilitation of humanism The power of the humanities

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Jéssica Sánchez Espillaque
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Humanism, Metaphor, Rhetoric, Studia humanitatis, Ernesto Grassi

Following the proposal of the heterodox disciple of Heidegger, Ernesto Grassi, it seems necessary at present a rehabilitation of the Renaissance rhetorical humanism, which allows us to grasp the metamorphic character of reality. In the age of postmetaphysics, and even of posthumanism (as some like to call it), we consider opportune the recovery of that rhetorical humanist thought, which affirmed the pre-eminence of metaphorical language over rational language. In this sense, metaphor, imaginative language, and ultimately show, would have a decisive role as founders of demonstrative and rational language (providing the original principles from which to deduce, Descartes, reality). From this point of view, it is also essential to review the current consideration of Humanism in general and, more specifically, of that rhetorical-philosophical branch. For what we will go to the original rehabilitative interpretation of the Italian-German philosopher, which will allow us to revalue the humanizing power of the humanities. Performing previously an analysis of the current crisis of the humanistic disciplines.

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Sánchez Espillaque , J. (2024). The current rehabilitation of humanism: The power of the humanities. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 45, 193–212.


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