The women in philosophical novels of 1902
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The generation of 98 emerged as a result of a complex economic, social, cultural and political situation suffered by our country. The defeat in the War of Cuba and the consequent colonial losses were the most immediate trigger that culminated in a rarefied and decadent mood. Fruit of this narrow climate emerged a new vision of philosophy and the novel, that is, a hermeneutical perspective different from the reality of the moment. In this sense, we will mention four of the main works (known as “novels of 1902”) that contributed to this theoretical construction, while we will discuss its philosophical side and the incidence of them in what is known as Spain’s problem. But what about the feminine vision? How were the representations of women in these works? What did the women of this generation have to say? In order to rethink the humanities nowadays, it is pertinent and essential to review the most immediate foundations of our philosophy and our literature, at the same time that it is crucial to review the feminine perspective because, only in this way, we can have an integrating vision of the importance and the news of the humanities.
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