Guidelines for authors
1. Papers submitted for publication must relate to one of the fields of education and teaching.
2. The originals will be uploaded to the OJS platform. They can also be sent as a WORD file to the following e-mail address:
Originals sent will not be returned. Inclusion in one issue or another of the journal will be based on the date of receipt of the paper.
3. Contributors will send a short curriculum vitae that will appear in the section "Contributing authors of the journal". Personal data: name, surname, position, place of work, address, telephone and e-mail, will be used solely for the informative purposes of this publication. The management of the journal undertakes not to make improper use of them. Only when specified by the author will they not be included in the journal's database.
4. The editorial board will review the contributions and will submit them to an anonymous evaluation. The evaluation system will be carried out by "blind peers". The decision will be communicated to the authors proposing, if necessary, the appropriate modifications within a maximum period of three months. Proofs of contributions will be corrected by the authors within ten days.
5. Texts shall be typed according to the following criteria:
- The length should not exceed 25 pages.
- The font will be Times New Roman and size 12 points.
- The paragraph: justified alignment, indentation 5 mm, single line spacing and no back spacing.
- Title of the article in Spanish and English.
- Abstract and keywords in English and Spanish.
- It is important to indicate the hierarchy of the titles:
- Level 1: numbering 1., size 12, capital letters, bold, leading spacing 6 pt.
6 pt, back spacing 6 pt, no indentation.
- Level 2: numbering 1.1., size 12, lower case, bold, leading 6 pt, leading 6 pt, trailing 6 pt, no indentation.
6 pt, back spacing 6 pt, no indentation.
- Level 3: numbering 1.1.1., size 12, italic, leading 6 pt, trailing 6 pt, no indentation.
space 6 pt, no indentation.
- Footnotes: size 10, justified alignment, single spaced,
no indentation, no trailing space.
- Tables and illustrations: they must be numbered consecutively, respecting the order in which they appear in the text.
order in which they appear in the text, with Arabic numerals independent of each other (e.g. Table 1, Figure 1).
Table 1, Figure 1). Size 10.
- Bibliographic references should be written in accordance with the following standards APA: