Lorenzo Milani against imitations and recipes. How to be

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Alfonso Díez Prieto
Loving and educating, Pedagogical recipes, How to be and think, Originality, Courage, Commitment, Imitations

For Milani, pedagogical methods are not valid apart from the thought and personality of the teacher, who must be very clear about the educational goals, objectives and values pursued. Which requires a personal process that you have to go through and discover for yourself. Hence his contempt for didactic recipes and his rejection of imitations, which impede the creative capacity of each person to leave their mark and particular style.


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How to Cite
Díez Prieto, A. (2024). Lorenzo Milani against imitations and recipes. How to be. Papeles Salmantinos De educación, (28), 239–246. https://doi.org/10.36576/2695-5644.28.239