The XXXVIIth Extraordinary Chair Calasanz’s S. Jose: “50 anniversary of Letter to a teacher and of Lorenzo Milani (Barbiana’s school)”. Words of inauguration: “In the Centenary IV of the Pious Schools”

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Jesús María Lecea Sáiz
School, Social cristicism, Pastor, Teacher, Poor children

This article is an opening speech that shows the extraordinary circumstance of the celebration of the “San José de Calasanz” Chair this year 2017. The
PP. Escolapios, sponsors of the Chair, celebrate the 400th anniversary of its foundation by San José de Calasanz and the 250 years of its canonization. The central theme of the Chair is referred to D. Lorenzo Milani, priest and teacher of Barbiana, Italy, on the 50th anniversary of his death and the publication of the collective book (Milani and his students of Barbiana) called “Letter to a teacher”.

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Lecea Sáiz, J. M. (2024). The XXXVIIth Extraordinary Chair Calasanz’s S. Jose: “50 anniversary of Letter to a teacher and of Lorenzo Milani (Barbiana’s school)”. Words of inauguration: “In the Centenary IV of the Pious Schools”. Papeles Salmantinos De educación, (22), 9–19.


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