Analysis of the infant-child self-concept through the drawing of the family

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Andrea Pérez Morandeira
Estudios de análisis de casos
Self-concept, Drawing, Primary education, Family

Family is the main bond that a child establishes since they are born and that is why it is configured as one of the main affectations in the infant-child self-concept development. Thus, this work’s the main objective lies in the study of this field in the students in the 2nd, 4th and 6th grades of a Primary Education center, mainly through the drawing of the family, comparing this to other means of data collection. The treated sample consisted of 144 subjects, of which 66 were female and 78 were male. Regarding the distribution according to age, the predominance was 7, 9 and 11 years (Mean = 9. 21, Standard Deviation = 1,651). The results of this research show a correspondence between the main method of collecting information, the Family Drawing Test and the other instruments used (the self-concept test CAG and the interview with the tutors of each student). With all this, it is possible to see a direct relationship between the influence of family construction and the links established in the home’s nucleus, and the formation of the different areas that constitute the self-concept.

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How to Cite
Pérez Morandeira, A. (2023). Analysis of the infant-child self-concept through the drawing of the family. Familia. Revista De Ciencia Y Orientación Familiar, (61), 153–167. Retrieved from


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