Triumph of the principle of consent in marriage canon law… and its consequences

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Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias
Canonical form, consent, copulation, ecclesiastical mission, marriage
The title of this study evokes that published in this same Journal in 1990 by Rudolph Weigand, with the intention of completing his historical analysis and making some proposals for the present. His historical analysis will be completed by pointing out the two main negative consequences of the triumph of the principle of consent: the narrowing of the field of reflection and some difficulties of systematic nature. The proposal for the present starts from the real difficulties that the Church faces today to present convincingly the “gospel of marriage” with the canonical frame currently in force.
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Álvarez de las Asturias, N. (2023). Triumph of the principle of consent in marriage canon law… and its consequences. Revista Española De Derecho Canónico, 80(194), 52–74.


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