The reception of Roman law in a Castilian civil process filed in the Royal Chancery of Valladolid: years 1605-1609
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Notarial appointments of the Civitatense bishop D. Martín de Salvatierra, in favor of the lawyer Pedro Santos Ramírez, as vicar general and as mayor of the five towns of the temporary jurisdiction from 1594 to 1596. After the exercise of both positions, and without the principal paid salaries to the representative, the latter legally claimed, in March 1605, upon the death of D. Martín, which occurred in December 1604, that he be paid those unsatisfied and accrued salaries, of the assets that formed the plunder of the prelate against the claims of the bishop's nephews by blood who were the patrimonial beneficiaries of D. Martín. Roman Law is present in this Castilian civil process from the terminology to the form of the judicial pronouncement, in formal and substantial aspects, which are worth bearing in mind.
Article Details
ARCHVa. Pleitos civiles, nº 10. Escribanía de Taboada (F). Ximenez. Sign. 65-3,
ARChVa. Registro de ejecutorias caja 2065, 83. Escribanía Taboada (F), escribano del pleito, Juan Bautista Franco.
AUSA,2428, f.650-663.
ACSG. Año 1604, febrero.
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