The religious fact a factor of peace or conflict?

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José María Acuyo Verdejo
Religión, Peace, Conflict, Secularization, Secular state, Religious freedom, State neutrality, Laicism

This article tries to explore the religious fact as a factor of peace or conflict, starting from the concept of human person and the religious and social reality, showing the abandonment or contempt for the religious, from the exploration of a series of elements or processes disintegrating or centrifuges, emphasizing among others, the process of secularization of western society, the narrative support in its construction of the concept of state, globalization or religious instrumentalization for geopolitical reasons or international relations that have contributed to form a negative image of religion, constraining their own area of action and preventing the opening of spaces for interreligious and cultural dialogue in the resolution of conflicts through the construction of peaceful areas and mutual knowledge between communities and peoples.

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How to Cite
Acuyo Verdejo, J. M. . (2024). The religious fact a factor of peace or conflict?. Revista Española De Derecho Canónico, 74(183), 339–367.

