Author Guidelines



Receipt of manuscripts

  1. Articles will be sent in Word format directly to the OJS platform, to the following link: In case of difficulty, they can be forwarded to the e-mail: Consult the deadline for the receipt of articles.
  2. It is necessary to send three files:
    1. One file that includes:
      • On the first page: title and translation into English, first name and last name of the author, academic qualification level, current post, institutional affiliation and email and postal addresses.
      • On the second page: 1. Abstract and key words. 2. English translation of the Abstract and Key Words.
      • Third page: main body of the work.
    2. Another file will contain only the title, the abstracts and key words in the original language and in English, along with the main body of the work. Any kind of indication that reveals authorship of the manuscript by any means to the reviewers must be avoided. Citations relating to the author must be anonymized in the following manner: AUTHOR and publication year of the work.
    3. Furthermore, a scanned cover letter requesting that the manuscript be considered and asserting authorship must be included. This will briefly describe the intellectual contribution of the work submitted and declare that the manuscript has not been simultaneously submitted to another journal. The letter will be signed with place and date of signature.

Presentation of manuscripts

  1. Language: The journal is published principally in Spanish, but it accepts works in English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese.
  2. Manuscript length: Articles must not exceed 12,000 words, including the abstract, notes and list of bibliographic references.
  3. Structure:
      • The first page should contain, in this order and according to the specified formatting: TITLE: In the language of the article (centred, in capital letters and bold). Separate the title and subtitle with a colon. -TITLE in English or Spanish if the paper is writing in English: (centred, in capital letters and italics). -First name(s) and last name(s) of the author(s): (centred and in block capitals). Where there are several authors, indicate the corresponding author. The editor will respect the pen name chosen by the author, in order to avoid problems in locating the work in English-language databases. -Academic qualification level (Written in full and in lower case. For example: Doctor of; Graduate in) -Current post or position of responsibility occupied: (Written in full and in lower case. For example: Professor; Associate Professor; Director) -Institutional affiliation and place of work: (Name of the department, faculty and institution. City and Country) -ORCID -E-mail address - ORCID number -Postal address.
      • Second Page -Abstract: between 100 and 175 words, in the original language and in English. If the language of the article is English, then the abstract is also in Spanish. - Keywords: between 4 and 8 (in alphabetical order), in the original language of the article and in English. If the language of the article is English, then the keywords are also in Spanish. Preferably use a thesaurus or list of subject headings that are widely known and used in the specialism—for example, the Unesco Thesaurus; The Philosopher's Index Thesaurus.
      • Third page: -Main body of the work: text. -List of bibliographic references , if applicable. - In the event that acknowledgements or recognition of financial and material support are included (the nature of which must be specified), an asterisk will be placed at the end of the title, linking to a footnote with the details.


  1. Manuscript originals are to be presented with a line spacing of 1.5 and Times New Roman font (size 12 for the main body of text, and size 10 for the footnotes).
  • Footnotes are to be numbered continuously and correspond to the numbering placed in the text.
  • Sections should be numbered as 1., 2., 3., etc., with capital letters, and subsections as 1.1., 1.2., 1.3.,etc.; 1.1.1., 1.1.2. etc. and so on, with block capitals and without bold.
  1. Bibliographic References: The journal uses the notes and bibliography style. This can be combined with the Harvard system(author-date). The current APA style can also be used. -Books: LAST NAME(S), First Name or Initial(s), Title of the Book. Edition (if it is not the first). (Secondary authorship: Trans. / Prol. / Intr. by First Name and Last Name (s)). Place of publication: Publisher, year, pages. Example: CHISHOLM, Roderick M., Theory of Knowledge. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1989, 51-52. -Book chapters: LAST NAME(S), First Name or Initial(s), “Title of the chapter”. In: LAST NAME(S), First Name or Initial(s) (Ed.), Title of the Book. Edition (if it is not the first). Place of publication: Publisher, year, pages. Example: RESCHER, Nicholas, “Chisholm’s Ontology of Things”. In: HAHN, Lewis E. (Ed.), The Philosophy of Roderick M. Chisholm. Chicago / La Salle (Illinois): Open Court, 1997, 187-199. Journals: LAST NAME(S), First Name or Initial(s), “Title of the article”. Name of the journal, volume, issue number, year, pages. Example: CHISHOLM, Roderick M., “The Place of Epistemic Justification”. Philosophical Topics, 14, 1986, 85-92. -Special issues of journals: LAST NAME(S), First Name or Initial(s), “Title of the article”. In: LAST NAME(S), First Name or Initial(s) (Ed.), Title of special issue. Special issue: Name of the journal, volume, issue number, year, pages. Example: MULLIGAN, K.; SMITH, B., “A Husserlian Theory of Indexicality”. In: DAVID, M.; STUBENBERG, L. (Eds.), Philosophische Aufsätze zu Ehren von Roderick M. Chisholm. Special issue: Grazer Philosophische Studien, 28, 1986, 133-164. -List of bibliographic references: This list should only include the works cited in the text. References should be written in alphabetical order according to author last name. Multiple references from the same author are sorted by year of publication, starting with the oldest. If the year of publication is also the same, works should be differentiated by writing a letter a, b, c, etc., after the year. Example: CHISHOLM, Roderick M., Person and Object: A Metaphysical Study. Chicago / La Salle (Illinois): Open Court, 1976. , “Epistemic Principles”. Dialectica, 35, 1981a, 341-345. , “The Paradox of Analysis: A Solution”. Metaphilosophy, 12, 1981b, 1-7. , “Epistemic Reasoning”. Dialectica, 36, 1982a, 169-77. , The Foundations of Knowing. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1982b. , “On the Nature of the Psychological”. Philosophical Studies, 43, 1982c, 155-164.


  1. Electronic resources: -Electronic monographs: Primary author, Title. [Format type] Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication (date of update/revision, if any). . [Dated consulted; obligatory for online documents and optional in other cases]. ISBN. Example: GOLDMAN, Alvin, Knowledge in a Social World. [online]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012-08-05. < world-pdf-d377480980>. [Consulted: 28 Feb. 2013]. ISBN: 0-19-823777-4. -Contributions in electronic monographs: Primary author, “title of the contribution”. In: Primary author/editor of the source document, Title of the source document. [Format type]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication (date of update/revision, if any). . [Dated consulted; obligatory for online documents and optional in other cases]. ISBN. Example: GRECO, John, “Virtue Epistemology”. In: ZALTA, Edward N., Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [online]. Stanford (Ca.): Stanford University, 1999 (updated on 12 Jan. 2012). <>. [Consulted: 28 Feb. 2013]. ISSN: 1095-5054. -Articles in electronic journals: Primary author, “Title of the article”. Title of the journal. [Format type], volume, issue number, year, corresponding page numbers, if there are any. . [Date consulted; obligatory for online documents and optional in other cases]. ISBN. Example: CORDERO, Ronald, “Kant and the Expression of Imperatives”. Sorites. [online], 20, 2012-03-20, 117-124. <>. [Consulted: 28 Feb. 2013]. ISSN: 1135-1349. -DOI: Include this if the document has one. Example: BATTALY, Heather, “Sosa’s Reflective Knowledge: How damaging is Epistemic Circularity?”. Synthese, 188, 2, Sept. 2012, 289-308. DOI: 10/1007/s11229-011-9928-2.


  1. Quotations:
  • Any information or idea taken from another author must be handled carefully and cited in a suitable form.
  • When quoting texts in a language other than that of the submitted manuscript, the quotation should be in the original language of the quoted text. A translation of it may be provided either after the original in parentheses or in a note.
  • All direct quotations (less than tree lines) included in the text will appear between double quotation marks and be set in roman typeface.
  • If the text of the quotation is long (more than three lines), it is presented as a separate paragraph with a smaller font size (Times New Roman 10), with single line spacing, indent left 1 cm and without quotation marks.
  1. Where manuscripts contain texts in Greek, characters from other languages or logical formulas, an Arial Unicode font will be used.


  1. Some abbreviations: Chapter(s): chap. (chaps.) / Compare: cf. / Collaborators: Collabs. / Compiler(s): Comp. (Comps.) Coordinator(s): Coord. (Coords.) / Editor(s): Ed. (Eds.) / Second edition: 2nd ed. / Revised Edition Rev. Ed. / In the same place: ibid. / et altera: et al. / Introduction: Intr. / In the work cited: op. cit. / Page(s): p. (pp.) / Paragraph: § / Part: Pt. / Prologue: Prpl. / Technical report: Tec. Rep. / No date: n.d. / Supplement: Suppl. / Translation by: Trans. / See: See / Volume(s): Vol. (Vols.)



Peer review process and publication



  1. Acknowledgement of receipt of the original will be made by the journal.
  2. The editor will make an initial assessment of the manuscript, evaluating its relevance and quality. The editor will verify that it meets the standards for the presentation of originals that are contained in the guidelines for authors and will then collate the required documentation. Once these requirements have been met, the article will be sent to the reviewers.
    • The manuscripts of both articles and critical notes will undergo an external and anonymous double-blind review by two specialists in the field under study. It is acceptable for the author to recommend or object to the naming of potential reviewers, avoiding any who may make an evaluation that is either biased in favour or prejudiced against.
    • The guide and instructions sent to the reviewers will be published both in the printed volume and on the website of the magazine.
    • Articles requested expressly by the Editorial Board will not be subject to review.
  3. Content, methodological quality and style will be evaluated. Subjects must strictly conform to matters of a philosophical nature.
  4. The author will be informed about the results of the reviewers' evaluations.
  5. Based on the reports received, the Editorial Board will determine the appropriateness of definitively accepting the article. A positive evaluation by the peer reviewers does not commit the journal to publishing the text. A decision will also be made as to whether texts will be selected for publication in the current year's volume or in the subsequent volume. This decision will depend on the date of receipt of the original, on the volume of works received, and on factors such as the publication of special issues, tribute volumes and so forth. Decisions made by the Editorial Board cannot be appealed.
  6. Once an article or critical note has been accepted, the author will be notified and sent a document for rights transferral.
  7. The author will receive the proofs of the text in order to correct minor and typographical errors. No substantial modification may be made. The revised text should be returned in no more than two weeks from the date of its receipt.
  8. Volumes are published in November. Authors of articles will receive a link to download a free copy of his or her contribution to the journal volume.
  9. The Editorial Board meets at least once a year.

Waiting period

A grace or waiting period of one year is established for the following cases:

  • The publication of an article in a book or other publication
  • The publication of an article by the same author.


  1. Heading: Title related to the content and English translation.
  2. Documents will be sent in Word format to the following email address:
  3. Deadline for receipt: 1 December.
  4. Language: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese.
  5. Manuscript length: Reviews range in length between a minimum of 1,000 and a maximum of 2,500 words.
  6. Reviews of books that are more than four years old will not be accepted.
  7. Footnotes are acceptable. Follow the formatting instructions in the of the “Bibliographic references” section.
  8. Use 1.5 line-spacing and Times New Roman (size 12 for the body of the work and size 10 for the footnotes). Footnotes are to be numbered continuously and correspond to the numbering placed in the text. The description of the reviewed work will follow the same model as shown in the previous section on critical notes.
  9. At the end of the manuscript, indicate the first name and last name of the author, academic qualification level, current position, institutional affiliation and email and postal addresses.
  10. Volumes are published in November. Authors of articles will receive a link to download a free copy of his or her contribution to the journal volume.


Only translations into Spanish of texts originally written in other languages are received. It is important to be clear that the copyright of the text being translated allows its translation and publication in the Journal. This information must be annexed in the proposal to pass the first review by the Editorial Board.

The manuscript should be presented so as to include:

  1. Title of the translated text in Spanish. A footnote should be inserted at the end of the title in Spanish. The original title of the translated text should be included in the footnote.
  2. Date of the first edition of the translated text, or, in the absence of this, approximate date of composition preceded by ‘circa’.
  3. Full name of the author of the translated text.
  4. Below it will be written: "Translation (or Introduction) of" followed by the full name of the translator, highest academic degree attained, institutional affiliation, postal and email address, ORCID number.
  5. If the translation is preceded by an Introduction, the latter should include an Abstract and Keywords.
  6. Abstract: The abstract should have between 150 and 200 words in a single paragraph. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.
  7. Keywords: A 5-7 list of descriptors which are used for indexing purposes.

Text Layout

  1. The file must be sent in MS Word 2003-2010 or .docx.
  2. Font: Times New Roman 12 points in the body of the text; Times New Roman 10 points in footnotes.
  3. Spacing: 1.5.
  4. Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively.