The journal follows the external and anonymous peer review procedure. It appears in the following indexes, repertoires, directories, rankings and databases:

  • CIRC: Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals
  • CORE
  • DICE: Diffusion and Editorial Quality of Spanish Journals of Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences
  • Dialnet
  • LATINDEX 33/33
  • MIAR: Information Matrix for the Evaluation of Magazines
  • PIO: Periodical Index Online
  • RBPH: Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie
  • RESH: Spanish Journals of Social Sciences and Humanities. Cat. B
  • Ulrich's Periodical Directory
  • IBZ online
  • OA Policies: Dulcinea green color
  • REBIUN Network of University Libraries
  • ERIH Plus

The journal can also be found at:

  • Atlas: American Theological Library Association
  • Base: Biefeld Academic Search Engine
  • Google Scholar
  • International Directory of Philosophy
  • Phil Papers
  • Hispanic
  • OpenAire
  • OperaDoar
  • Collect
  • Worldcat

ESCI (requested, pending resolution



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