Human nature and political power in Gracian (1601-1658)

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Jean Paul Coujou
Anthropology, artifice, dissimulation, human nature, passion, politics, reason of state, rhetoric

The theory of political anthropology in Gracian is based on the observation that the relationship of man to his world is that of an inverted, unstable world, requiring a reconsideration of the opposition between being and appearance, as well as the taking in charge of the disillusions resulting from the loss of the traditional point of view on the recognized and instituted order. These shifts are at the heart of a renewal of the understanding of interhuman relations and of the construction of a mode of political existence that it is precisely a question of questioning since they redefine the borders and the specificity of the relationship established between human nature and power.

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How to Cite
Coujou, J. P. (2023). Human nature and political power in Gracian (1601-1658). Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 50, 23–50.
Author Biography

Jean Paul Coujou, Catholic University of Toulouse, France

Agrégé chaire supérieure, Doctor (Paris I) Habilitation to direct research (Paris IV)

Professor at the Catholic University of Toulouse (31 rue de la Fonderie, 31000 Toulouse)

Member of the Michel Villey Institute, Paris

IHEM, University of the Balearic Islands


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- Le Héros, Paris, Editions Gérard Lebovici, 1973, traduit de l’espagnol par Joseph de Courbeville.

- L’Homme universel, Paris, Editions Gérard Lebovici, 1991, traduit de l’espagnol par Joseph de Courbeville.

- Le Politique Dom Ferdinand le Catholique, Paris, Editions Gérard Lebovici, 1984, traduit de l’espagnol par Joseph de Courbeville ; réédition Paris, PUF, 2010.

- Art et figures de l’esprit, Paris, Seuil, 1983, traduit de l’espagnol par Benito Pelegrín.

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