El idealismo discursivo en la teoría de la justicia una crítica a Rainer Forst

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Francisco Blanco Brotons
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Rainer Forst stands out for his radicalism among the group of philosophers who in recent decades have been working on a theory of justice that combines the structural perspective of Rawls with the intersubjectivist perspective of normative legitimacy and autonomy proposed by discursive theory. In order to collaborate in this development, clarifying some characteristics that these theories should have and warning of some dangers or inconsistencies that they should avoid, this article criticises Rainer Forst's theory. This article will be divided into three parts. In the first part, the limitations of Forst's social theory, in particular his concepts of power, personhood and politics, will be discussed. Secondly, the limitations of his normative proposal will be analysed. The third part will discuss the limitations of his general approach to the theory of justice.

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Blanco Brotons, F. (2023). El idealismo discursivo en la teoría de la justicia: una crítica a Rainer Forst. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 50, 247–268. https://doi.org/10.36576/2660-955X.50.247


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