The philosophical praxis of the twentieth century from the material conditions. Brief review of modern disenchantment from existentialism and its referents

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Ysaelen Odor Rossel
Juan Carlos Lázaro Guillermo
Quelbin Toledo Espinoza Carbajal
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freedom, existentialism, praxis, philosophical reality, subjective responsibility.

Existentialism presents itself as a brutal response to the failings of instrumental reason as a medium for meaningful and sustainable human development. Set response renounced to the dehumanization of subject to an object entrapped in productive relationships and means lacking a transcendental end, instead opting to look within, the exercise of personal will and the freedom for subjects to construct themselves. We analyze such choices based on the model of philosophical materialism, understanding the history of philosophy as a succession of problems and systems that try to solve such problems in reality through a determined praxis. 

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Pernalete Lugo, J., Odor Rossel, Y. ., Lázaro Guillermo, J. C. ., & Toledo Espinoza Carbajal, Q. (2023). The philosophical praxis of the twentieth century from the material conditions. Brief review of modern disenchantment from existentialism and its referents. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 50, 269–283.


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