EU & ethics governance of the artificial intelligence artificial intelligence & diplomacy

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Mario Torres Jarrín
Monographic Section
Artificial Intelligence, European Union, ethics, governance, Industry 4.0, diplomacy.

The technological advances developed within the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are causing great changes in all societies. AI offers a number of benefits, and one might even think that it represents a new stage in evolution as human beings. But, it is also true that AI raises a series of questions, including ethics, values and regulation, since in many cases AI violates various human rights. The actions of technology companies linked to AI have a global geopolitical impact. Their economic capacity and their power to influence societies make them, de facto, new actors within the  international system and in global governance. This article examines the proposal of the European Union (EU) to seek an ethics governance of the AI

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How to Cite
Torres Jarrín, M. (2021). EU & ethics governance of the artificial intelligence: artificial intelligence & diplomacy. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 48, 213–234.