Notes on the irrespectivity of God in Zubiri

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Alfonso García Nuño
Monographic section II: Zubiri and the weakness of reason
God, Irrespcetivity, Metaphysics, Pantehism, Transcencental order, Reality, Zubiri

Zubiri, in his book On Essence (1962), affirmed the irrespectivity of God. He did not make this explicit in the final years of his life, those in which he published Sentient Intel-ligence (1980-83), but he did not reject it either. We are going to ask ourselves if this silence should be understood as an implicit abandonment of this idea or if, on the contrary, he con-tinued to consider it that way, despite not making it explicit. For this, at first, we will briefly present the idea of irrespectivity of God in his great metaphysical book and, finally, we will briefly take some notes on some arguments that can be used to review the idea of the rejection of the irrespectivity of God in the last Zubiri.

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García Nuño, A. (2024). Notes on the irrespectivity of God in Zubiri. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 51, 427–450.


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