Weak reason? reology and the metaphysical principle of physical responsibility

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Carlos Sierra-Lechuga
Monographic section II: Zubiri and the weakness of reason
Philosophy of logic, Logic, Contermporary metaphysics, Pure reason, Philosophical neology, Zubiri

In the face of what is reason thought to be “weak”? In our opinion, in the face of the idea of a reason as powerful as “pure reason”. In this text we will make a critical journey through some avatars of pure reason going from our present to the past so that, once there, we will ask if another way of reason, more physically responsible, is viable. We will call this other way “the physical way”. Then we will make the return journey, from the past to our present and we will see how for every “logician-philosopher” there is at least one “physicist-philosopher” in the counterpoint. After the journey through the avatars of this other way, we will arrive at the present by pointing out that the contemporary systematization of the physical way is what is today being called reology.

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How to Cite
Sierra-Lechuga, C. (2024). Weak reason? reology and the metaphysical principle of physical responsibility. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 51, 293–320. https://doi.org/10.36576/2660-955X.51.293


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