Neokantism and phenomenology the aesthetic of earlyt Ortega on the subjet of painting

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Jesús González Fisac
Monographic Section
Neokantism, Phenomenology, Zuloaga, Circumstance, Impressionism

In the early works of Ortega on aesthetics, and more particularly in those that deals with Zuloaga, the influence of neokantism is evident, but also the incipient presence of phenomenology. The purpose of this work is to clarify both elements, while outlining the keys to Ortega’s aesthetics of painting in these years as a “painting of the world”, that achieves to save things through two different resources: 1st the resource of a circumstantial theme, and 2nd the resource of an impressionist technique that paints the “environment”.

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González Fisac, J. (2024). Neokantism and phenomenology: the aesthetic of earlyt Ortega on the subjet of painting. Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 45, 281–303.


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