School mediation a conflict resolution process and bullying prevention in educational centers

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César de la Hoz Pérez
Estudios de análisis de casos
Conflict, Mediation, Cooperate, School, Bullying, Agreement

The resolution of conflicts has changed from being a sealed and focused process on the role of who decides or sanctions, to being a process built by the protagonists of it. School mediation, has moved in few years from being considered an unknown
process of conflicts resolution, to be a recognized and demanded program, that have demonstrated its usefulness and validity. In current education,
where active methodologies and a greater role of pupils are debated in academic development, school mediation suggest that it is necessary to teach students in handle problems and seek consensus facing interpersonal problems. To give more prominence to students, and encouraging the
involvement of teachers in solving problems from a cooperation perspective, it’s a fundamental step in improving school climate and personal relationships. School mediation, in this line, is a more preventive than resolutive process, since it does not focus only on specific actions to solve problems but also on the improvement of school environment. It is, therefore,
a process with its own identity that can perfectly respond to the needs of elementary and high school centers in our country. It is essential for a program of mediation to meet arising demands, a rigorous training of school mediators, and a workspace
to ensure successful interventions for educational environment enhancement and a positive and peaceful resolution of school conflicts.

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How to Cite
de la Hoz Pérez, C. (2020). School mediation: a conflict resolution process and bullying prevention in educational centers. Familia. Revista De Ciencia Y Orientación Familiar, (57), 177–186.


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