Caring for the Elderly: Caregivers in the Light of the Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia
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Older adults’ family caregivers experience emotional and physical problems. Nevertheless, they also experience positive aspects linked with their caregiving experience. Finding meaning in caregiver is a quite relevant moderator of the impact of caregiving related stressors. Each relative involves in the care process in a different way. Nevertheless, caregiver’s stress affects all areas of his/her life. Although there is a culture of the provisional, of which number 29 of Amoris Laetitia talks, caregivers are an example of continued commitment. Although it is impossible to predict exactly how a relative will react to becoming a caregiver some variables help to determine the ease with which this role can be assumed. Many circumstances contribute to a relative becoming a caregiver, but personal values are a key factor. It is really important to encourage to accept pain, failure, losses and difficulties that are not controllable or changeable, but not with resignation, but as a necessary element to live a life with meaning and quality. Clarifying their values helps caregivers move forward on important committed actions in their life. The significant number of people living in nursing homes and the characteristics of these institutions has given rise to a growing interest in the study of the presence of good care in institutions by professionals. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new lines of studies that analyze caregiving role as well as develop intervention programs that help to improve this role and its impact.
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