Ict as tools to support active ageing

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Marta López Alfayate
Estudios de análisis de casos
Keywords: senior, digital divide, active ageing, ICT., Senior, Digital divide, Active ageing, ICT

Actually, the percentage of seniors grows throughout the world, producing an increase in population and an increase in life expectancy at birth. With the aim of increasing the quality of life during this stage, appear the concept of “active ageing”, refer to the participation and active involvement of the elderly in various issues of society (WHO, 2002). In order to respond to this problem, applications and software aimed at this group have been developed in recent years. Despite this, there is still a generational digital gap, which consists in the difficulty of accessing ICT during old age. This article aims to highlight the need to develop technologies that respond to the needs and characteristics of older adults, as well as to emphasize the role of Information and Communication Technologies as tools to support active exercise, in the sense of that allow to prevent on processes that occurred in this stage. It should be noted that through the use of new technologies intergenerational communication is encouraged, as well as the active involvement and improvement of health and assistance in it, and changes in cognitive ability. In addition, learning to use these tools has positive effects on the self-concept and self-esteem of older people.

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How to Cite
López Alfayate, M. . (2024). Ict as tools to support active ageing. Familia. Revista De Ciencia Y Orientación Familiar, (56), 111–117. https://doi.org/10.36576/summa.92091


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