The adult ombudsman human rights do not age
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Over time, the application of restrictive birth policies, advances in biomedicine and improved living conditions in general have led to a drastic reduction in infant mortality and the control of infectious and contagious diseases. This has caused the world population to continue growing to the point of facing new scenarios that demand greater action on the part of the social protection system of each country, particularly in the developing countries. These countries have found increasingly better conditions that have progressively increased the life expectancy of citizens, without being sufficiently aware, or prepared to
make it an opportunity to guarantee the rights and needs of people. Old age should not imply loss of quality of life, but its consolidation. This is how
new challenges arise to guarantee the effective exercise of fundamental rights. In this work, a tour through the data, the detected needs and an intervention proposal is made that seeks to strengthen the system through the creation of the “ombudsman” or “defender of the elderly” institution in
Chile, following the good results obtained in the Nordic countries. It is intended to link the rule of law with the guarantees that assist older adults to
carry out the policies that have been identified by the United Nations. In Chile, 30 years have passed since the idea of developing this figure was presented
without having managed to advance beyond a declaration of good will.
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