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The motu proprio Traditionis custodes (16th July 2021) deeply modifies the rules concerning the use of the Roman Missal 1962 within the Latin Church, especially the provisions of motu proprio Summorum pontificum (7th July 2007) and the instruction Universae Ecclesiae (30th April 2011). This article touches both on the legal status of the ancient Roman rite, submitted to a new indult from now on, and the canonical framework proposed to groups celebrating this liturgy. From there, it deals with a number of questions unresolved to date: the discretion to administer the sacraments using books previous to the 1970 reform, the possibility to celebrate Mass according to the Vetus Ordo exclusively, the training of clergy to the ancient rite, the special situation of Society of Saint Pius X. It is an invitation to carry on the debate on all those themes in the light of Canon 214 and basic principles of Catholic unity.
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