Marriage, its circumstances in today's society and the praxis of the ministers of the court

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Jose Ferrary Ojeda
thought, speeches, truth, charity, moral certainty, aequitas canonica, formation

This article is part of the author's intervention at the round table held at the XX Symposium on Matrimonial and Canon Procedural Law for professionals of the forum, between 04-06 September 2024, although it focuses, in this publication, on the praxis that must enlighten the ecclesiastical Tribunals and their ministers in the search for the truth of marriage. To this end, starting from the reality of marriage in today's society, and stating the basic assumptions of the thought that predominates in society, the fundamental attitudes that must accompany the ministers of the Tribunal are introduced and the importance of training as an element, also, necessary to achieve and base sufficient moral certainty.

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Ferrary Ojeda, J. (2024). Marriage, its circumstances in today’s society and the praxis of the ministers of the court. Revista Española De Derecho Canónico, 81(197), 523–550.



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